Siesta Love

Siesta Love
Beth Moore and I


The snowman and I :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Exhaustion or Heat? You decide...

Wake up. Shower. Dry my hair...MELT DOWN! I feel as though I am suddenly a missionary in Mexico! Sweating profusely after a nice shower! Where is the DISLIKE button. Currently unavailable I suppose. I am either beginning to have hormonal problems or just realizing that in the South, we have experienced some extremely hot days recently. I finish getting ready, hop in the car, only to find myself looking in the mirror with "caked" eyeshadow and sweating....Not only that, but I am exhausted from trying not to sweat. :) However, last couple days I have caught myself waking up earlier, spreading out the morning routine to prevent having a heat stroke while getting ready. Ok, maybe I am exaggerating! But, it seems to work. A little lag time in between all the morning task is helping me to slow down and not rush so much. Although, I begin thinking, spiritually, I feel as though I may "stroke out". Sometimes I think we become exhausted in trying to "do" so much, when really, I think it may be the heat wearing us down instead of the load. Ok, so this parallel may be difficult. But really, when you are striving and running after your Savior, there comes a time where the chase is tough, but the hotter it is, the more difficult is becomes to keep running. Matthew 11:28-30: "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry a heavy burden and I will give you rest...(29)Let me teach you, because I am gentle and humble at heart, and you will find rest...(30) the burden I give you is light." He simply says, I want lay anything on you that's to heavy, that's to much, if you live for him, he will supply your rest. So, it's not the rush or the load spiritually, its about the condition we are running in. When life seems really complicated and things build one on top of the other, our fight becomes weaker. Our faith is tested. Our emotions are worn. Our words become none existent to the very Father who created our bodies. Why? The heat. The heat of knowing we are running from our Savior. People who get nervous tend to perspire. Just as we do when the conviction of the Lord is on our hearts and lives. We want to fix it quickly. Or hopefully the forecast will change and it will soon be okay to step back onto the track and continue the run. God ask that we are willing, willing to see the beauty of his grace, his provisions for our lives, to be in company with him.It may become fearful, but your Savior is waiting for you to know and believe he controls the thermostat of life. Find yourself running with a load that's bearable, with the faith to survive the unbearable!

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