Siesta Love

Siesta Love
Beth Moore and I


The snowman and I :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Warrior

Isaiah 42:13 “The Lord will march out like a mighty man, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal, with a shout he will rise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.”

What is a warrior? Someone who is participating in battle? Ephesians 6:13 say, “Put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.” Yes, scripture did say, “So you will be able to resist”…See God supplies the equipment the surrounds our body defending our flesh from being pierced. Then, scripture goes on to list each part of the armor we are provided with per the Lord. Friend I am telling you, you are in a battle and yes; you are a warrior for the Lord. The definition of warrior is a man engaged in some conflict or experienced in war, or in military life; a soldier; a champion. We are warriors facing spiritual warfare everyday in our own lives. It may be sickness, financial burdens, persecution, etc. Friend, we can praise Jesus for supplying us with an armor that can’t be pierced by the enemy’s arrows. Armor is a protective outer shell and defense covering the body. However, the dictionary doesn’t stop at “a man in war”…it continues to define warrior as a champion. How amazing? When examining the verse in Isaiah 42:13 we see the beginning as a beautiful picture: The Lord marching out as a mighty man. He is going to battle. Can you picture the King of Kings marching out with his armor strapped down? From head to toe on our Lord, the breastplate of righteousness, shield of faith, sword of the spirit, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace, the helmet of salvation. Then the verse says, “like a warrior he will stir up his zeal and with a shout the battle cry will rise.” I believe what he is stirring up is his strength. He is gearing up for his battle. I can imagine the most muscular of all men, his head looking up, daring the enemy to look at him. Then, suddenly hearing his shout, the battle cry. Just as a lion roars to warn off predators, you can hear his roar for miles. This signifies to the predator this is his territory. The female lion may roar to protect her cubs. This is such a beautiful depiction of what our Heavenly Father has set out to accomplish. He warns the enemy to stay away because we are his children and this is his territory. Friend the enemy can’t have you if you’re focusing on the Lord’s face and he lives inside your heart. Finally, the completion of this verse says, “and he will triumph over his enemies.” Don’t forget the definition of warrior; it also says, “Champion”. The Lord declares himself as the champion. His word shows us over and over his triumph in many ways. However, Jeremiah 20:11 said, “But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior, so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. The will fail and be thoroughly disgraced, their dishonor will never be forgotten.” In conclusion, friend, God is fighting for you. Don’t miss out on inviting the greatest warrior in history into your heart. If you are reading this today, consider something? As we face difficult times daily, who is going to battle for you? Jesus Christ wants to equip you, but more importantly, become your warrior. He battled for you years ago on a cross so you could have forgiveness. Will you allow him to be the champion? Or do you want to fight your own battle, alone?

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